Each order is always carefully packaged and checked, but unfortunately anyone can get a miss. In case of receiving a defective, damaged or incorrect item, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and will ship you a new item, no charge required. If you’re faced with such an item, please contact our customer support team as soon as possible.
Please note:
When filling in the contact form, please attach a few photos of the damaged or incorrect item so that we can offer you an appropriate solution as soon as possible.
Return shipping costs:
We fully understand that you have absolutely no control over damaged or incorrectly shipped items. A replacement, repair or return of the product is free of charge.
30-Day Guarantee:
Ordered the wrong product? Doesn’t work for you? Doesn’t suit your phone? Would like to return it? No problem! If you’ve made a purchase from our online store and are dissatisfied with your order, send it back within 30 days of purchase and get refunded.